Kitenden Pre-School

The attached photo show the Kitenden preschool children with eggs produced by the chicken preschool Chicken Farm.For newer club members Kitenden is a Massai village located in the foothills of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. Your Club together with 34 individual Sponsors have provided the funding for total operation of the pr since 2013 – thus we are now entering our 7th year of support. The project educates young Massai (aged 3 to 5) to prepare them for Primary School. Massai have their own language – Maa – howe Primary School teaches in the Tanzanian National language of Swahili, thus the preschool teaches the Swahili as well as basic English and Numeracy skills.About 50 children attend the preschool each year and about 35 progress to Primary School, as ma children are very young and are at the preschool for 2 years. They are fed two meals every day. The p has 6 employees – 2 teachers, 2 cooks, a gardener and a security guard.We decided to construct the Chicken Farm at the preschool so as to provide protein in the children’ also teaches them how to look after the chickens and may encourage other Massai to look at egg producing as a business.The Farm took quite some time to build. Nothing happens quickly in Tanzania! It must be secured from animals – particularly birds. A few of us involved refer to it as the Hilton Hen House!However, it is now achieving its primary purpose – which is evident from the children’s smiling faces.